What is FEMTech?

We are a group of dedicated students aiming to promote gender diversity and provide a community for underrepresented individuals in technology careers.

Our Mission and Vision

We host organized seminars, mentorship programs, training workshops and networking events to provide a supportive tech community for individuals from all majors and backgrounds. We hope to spark interest in tech and build meaningful connections.


Our Team

This is the current team making this all possible:

Khushi Desai

Khushi Desai

Risha Balreddygari

Risha Balreddygari

Zaina Shaik

Zaina Shaik

Ankita Janakiraman

Ankita Janakiraman

Anni Mao

Anni Mao

Nirmol Kaur

Nirmol Kaur

Tamara Zafer

Tamara Zafer

Lupe Paniagua

Lupe Paniagua

Reach us on:

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Šī¸ FEMTech 2021